Delft Blue miniature KLM house number 17.
House number 17 is a miniature of the actual house at Spieringstraat 1-3 in Gouda.
Delft Blue miniature KLM house number 17.
House number 17 is a miniature of the actual house at Spieringstraat 1-3 in Gouda.
KLM miniature houses are normally given to KLM Business Class customers. Our houses are bought from these KLM frequent flyers in order for you to be able to complete your collection.
Even though these KLM miniature houses are "second-hand", they are in mint condition unless stated otherwise. This means the houses are unopened and are complete with the original cork and seal. If a house doesn't have any cork or seal due to customs regulations on that particular KLM flight, it will be mentioned on the product page.
All KLM miniature houses are hand-painted which makes each house unique and always differ slightly from each other.
The miniature houses may have liquor inside, however this cannot be guaranteed. In some houses the liquor has evaporated while the cork and seal are still intact. If there is still liquor inside please don't use it for consumption since some of these houses may be decades old.
Souvenirs from Holland is not affiliated with and has no relationship with Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V.
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Delft Blue miniature KLM house number 17.
House number 17 is a miniature of the actual house at Spieringstraat 1-3 in Gouda.